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This year, we’re bringing back SINGapore - Singing with the Stars as part of our Arts Festival 2018 campaign! 


This year, FIONA FUSSI  (winner of Elite Model Look Singapore 2011) will be hosting our campaign! If interested in participating, post your original composition on YouTube before MARCH 15TH! You may be selected as a finalist & get a chance to perform in front of a panel of judges - BENJAMIN KHENG from The Sam Willows! 

  1. Song must be original.

  2. Song must be in English.

  3. Original compositions must be related to at least one of the following themes:

    1. Unity

    2. Integration

    3. Identity

  4. Contestants may choose to collaborate with other musicians to enter the online original composition contest.

  5. Song must be at least 2 minutes long, and maximum 4 minutes long.

  6. This competition is open to all amateur and professional songwriters aged 14-21.

  7. All entries must be uploaded to YouTube on the 15TH OF MARCH.

  8. The Title of the Youtube Video must be, “First Name, Last Name, SINGapore 2018 Audition Submission.”

  9. Entrants and their collaborators will retain full credit for all work submitted for the competition. However, United Singapore will have the right to use the song as they deem fit.

  10. United Singapore has the right to take and publicize any photos/videos taken of you/your band.

  1. Once selected, we will notify you on our social media on the 16th of March. 

  2. Be prepared to shoot your finalist promo video between the 17th -19th of March!

  3. A mentorship session will be held between the 31st of March to the 3rd of April. 

  4. Finalists will be required to be at every mentor meeting, and every rehearsal.

  1. Finalists will randomly draw a name out of a hat and challenge the respective finalist. 

  2. Once paired up, they will PK against each other in the boxing ring in front of the panel of judges. 

  3. After each performance, the panel of judges will give a score from 1-5. The finalists will the lowest score within each pair will be eliminated. 

  4. With the three remaining finalists, each of them will compete for the SINGapore - Singing with the Stars 2018 winner's title by performing an alternate version (aka spicier version) of their original composition. 

  5. They finalists will then receive a score from the judge on a scale from 1-5, which will account for 60% of the final result. The audiences' live online poll will account for the remaining 40%.

  6. The winner will receive a prize of $500, the runner-up will receive a prize of $400 and the second runner-up will receive a prize of $300.


GENERAL FAQ (Have Questions?)


If 1) I am an artist who submitted to last year’s SINGapore 2017, can I submit the same song?

    No, we kindly request that you submit another original composition.


    2)  Do I have to write a new song, or can I enter a song that I have already written?


    It can be a song you have already written, but just keep in mind that eventually you will be judged on how      relevant your song is to at least one of the three themes (Unity, Integration, Identity).


    3)  I am part of a group/band, how do I enter?

    If you are a part of a group, only ONE of you have to enter your original song. Just remember to put all

   your names in the title of the video, when you publish it to Youtube.


    4)  How long will it be until I get to know if I am selected as a finalist?

    You’ll know by the 16th of March 2018 through our social media.


    5)  Is there a specific genre the original song has to be?

    No, be as creative as possible!


    6) If I have a problem with photos/videos being taken of me, should I not take part?

    No, we’re proud of our finalists each year and we want to show them off!


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